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Blog #9

I found Chapter 9 of the Bedford Book of Genres to be really helpful in clearing up some of the confusion I had about remixing genres. I was a little worried about it because it sounded like it was going to be a lot of work and a lot more research. However, Chapter 9 was pretty quick to point out that it's the exact opposite. In making a remix of a genre, we shouldn't be doing a lot more additional research. We're supposed to use the information we already have and apply it to a new genre, such as taking the research from our paper and turning it into a PowerPoint presentation or a poster.

In making our remixes, we can change the purpose, audience, and/or message of our papers. Our energy is supposed to go towards revising our original work and making it fit into a new mode for our new context.

Chapter 9 also has a checklist of things to keep in mind when creating our remixes. Those things are purpose, audience, rhetorical appeals, modes and media, elements of the genre, style, design, and sources.

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