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Discovery Draft

The community I chose to write my personal narrative on is my high school’s Academy of Law and Government (ALAG), a group I was a part of for all four years of high school and was the most active in of all things I was involved with. ALAG is a program designed to provide specialized classes for its members that provide relevant information for whatever law and/or government career they may want to get into. Being able to say I was a member is something I’m proud of, which is one of the biggest reasons why I chose to write about it over the other communities I belong or belonged to. ALAG is very special to me, and I don’t know if I’d be where I am today if I didn’t join the program.

Like all communities, ALAG needs to communicate with its audience, which is comprised of its members, through various modes designed to get their message across. It used all kinds of things, like newsletters (that hardly stuck to a schedule to the point that it was surprising when we got one), a bulletin board outside the room meetings were held in, messages through class representatives, announcements on the morning news, and general assemblies. The specific text I plan on writing about are those general assemblies, specifically the ones in which elections were held. I also plan on writing about the modes of communication ALAG used to tell its members about those assemblies, such as posters and announcements.


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