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Reflection: Project 1 Conference

My conference with the instructor about my personal narrative was, unsurprisingly, very helpful. I’m used to having to write papers as scholarly as possible, from the language to the MLA format to the introductory and conclusion paragraphs. In my conference, I was told to get rid of the introduction and focus on making the personal narrative more personal because it’s supposed to be written in such a way that whomever reads it will feel as though they were there. The personal narrative is supposed to be like a window into a community that the reader would otherwise have no access to. The instructor told me specifically what areas I needed to fix, and generally how I should go about fixing said areas. He highlighted what was good about it as well as telling me what paragraphs should be rearranged. Going into the conference, I was worried that my paper would sound too much like a research paper and a little too academic, and it definitely does. I wasn’t too sure how to improve it and make it sound more personal, but now I think I have an idea on how I can make my paper more like a personal narrative.

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